How Do You Load Line Onto A Fishing Reel

How Do You Load Line Onto A Fishing Reel

How to Load Line onto a Fishing Reel

Understanding Your Reel

Before you start to load line onto a fishing reel, it's important to get an understanding of the type of reel you have. There are two main types of fishing reels, the spinning reel and the baitcasting reel. Spinning reels are the most common type of reel and they have a handle and a spool that is mounted beneath the rod. Baitcasting reels have a handle and a spool that is mounted on top of the rod. Each type of reel has a different method for loading line onto it, so make sure you understand which kind of reel you have before you start.

Preparing the Line

Once you have identified the type of reel you have, it's time to prepare the line to be loaded onto the reel. Most fishing reels are designed to work with monofilament line, so make sure you are using a monofilament line of the correct weight and diameter for your reel. If you are using a braided line, you will need to use a backing line before you can load it onto your reel. Make sure the line is clean and free from knots and tangles before you begin.

Loading the Spinning Reel

To load a spinning reel, you will need to position the reel so that the handle is on the right side of the rod. Begin by attaching the line to the reel by tying it to the spool. Make sure the line is tied securely, as this will prevent it from slipping off the spool. Once the line is attached, you can begin to load the line onto the reel by slowly turning the handle. As you are turning the handle, make sure the line is being loaded onto the spool in an even and neat fashion. If the line is not loaded evenly, it can cause problems when you are casting or retrieving the line.

Loading the Baitcasting Reel

To load a baitcasting reel, you will need to position the reel so that the handle is on the left side of the rod. Begin by attaching the line to the reel by tying it to the spool. Make sure the line is tied securely, as this will prevent it from slipping off the spool. Once the line is attached, you can begin to load the line onto the reel by slowly turning the handle. As you are turning the handle, make sure the line is being loaded onto the spool in an even and neat fashion. You will also need to make sure the line is tensioned correctly, as this will help to reduce the backlash when you are casting the reel.

Testing the Line

Once you have loaded the line onto your reel, it's important to test it to make sure it is loaded correctly. To test the line, cast it out into the water and then reel it back in. Make sure the line is coming off the spool in an even and smooth fashion, and that it is not tangling or knotting up. If you find that the line is not being loaded correctly, you may need to adjust the tension on the line or re-tie it to the spool.


Loading line onto a fishing reel can seem like a difficult task, but with a bit of practice it can be quite simple. Make sure you understand the type of reel you have and the type of line you are using, and then follow the steps outlined above to load the line onto the reel. With a bit of practice, you'll soon become an expert at loading line onto a fishing reel.

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