Loading A Fishing Reel With Line

Loading A Fishing Reel With Line
What You Will Need
When it comes to loading a fishing reel with line, there are a few items that you will need to have on hand. Fishing line is an important part of the equation, so make sure that you have the right type and size for the reel that you are using. You will also need a pair of scissors, a spool of line, a line stripper, and a clevis pin, as well as some type of lure or bait.
Preparing the Line
The first step in preparing the line for loading onto a reel is to strip the line off of the spool. This is done by pulling the line off of the spool, and then using a line stripper to cut off any excess line. Once this step is completed, the next step is to attach the line to the clevis pin. This is done by threading the pin through the eye hole of the line, and then tying it off with a knot.
Loading the Reel
Once the line has been attached to the clevis pin, it is time to start loading the reel. The first step is to tie the line onto the reel spool. This is done by wrapping the line around the spool, and then tying it off with a knot. After this step is completed, the line can be spooled onto the reel. This is done by winding the line onto the reel spool, and then making sure that the line is evenly distributed.
Adding the Lure or Bait
Once the line has been loaded onto the reel, it is time to add the lure or bait. This is done by tying the lure or bait to the end of the line. If you are using a lure, make sure that it is securely attached to the line. Once the lure or bait is attached, the line can be reeled back onto the reel.
Checking the Line
Once the line has been loaded onto the reel, it is important to check the line for any signs of damage. If the line is frayed or worn, it is important to replace it with a new line. Additionally, it is a good idea to check the line for any knots or tangles as these can cause the line to break when it is put under tension.
Finishing Up
Once the line has been checked and the lure or bait has been attached, the last step is to secure the line. This is done by tying a knot at the end of the line. Once the knot is tied, the line is now ready to be used. Make sure to store the reel and line in a cool, dry place until the next time you go fishing.