Where To Sell Fishing Tackle

Where To Sell Fishing Tackle

Where To Sell Fishing Tackle


If you're a passionate angler, you probably have a lot of fishing tackle that you no longer need. Rather than letting it go to waste, you can actually sell it and make some money in the process. Selling your tackle can also help the environment, as it means someone else can get a lot of use out of it. The next question is, where to sell fishing tackle?

Online Marketplace

One of the best places to sell your fishing tackle is online. There are a number of online marketplaces that make it easy to list your items and reach a wide audience of potential buyers. eBay and Craigslist are two of the most popular online marketplaces, and they both offer a range of features that make it easy to list and sell your items. You can also list your items on classifieds websites such as Gumtree, where you can reach a local audience.

Fishing Forums

Another great place to sell your fishing tackle is on fishing forums. You can find forums dedicated to different types of fishing, and you can use these forums to post your items for sale. Some forums may also have dedicated sections for buying and selling, which makes it even easier to list your items. The advantage of selling on forums is that you can reach a more targeted audience of anglers who are looking for certain items.

Social Media

Social media is another great way to sell your fishing tackle. There are a number of dedicated fishing pages on Facebook, and you can use these pages to list your items for sale. You can also join groups where anglers post their items for sale. Twitter is another great platform for selling your tackle, as you can post your items and reach a wide audience.

Fishing Shops

Another option is to sell your fishing tackle to a local fishing shop. Some shops may be willing to buy your items from you, or they may be willing to give you store credit which you can then use to buy other items from the shop. Selling to a shop can be a good option if you don't want to go through the process of listing your items online.

Garage Sales

Garage sales are a great way to sell your fishing tackle, as you can reach a wide audience in a short amount of time. You can set up a stall at a local market or set up a garage sale in your own backyard. The advantage of garage sales is that you can meet potential buyers in person, and you can also get a good price for your items.


As you can see, there are a number of different ways to sell your fishing tackle. Online marketplaces, fishing forums, social media, fishing shops, and garage sales are all great options. You just need to pick the option that works best for you. With the right approach, you should be able to sell your items quickly and for a good price.

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