How Much Fishing Gear Is In The Ocean

How Much Fishing Gear Is In The Ocean

How Much Fishing Gear Is In The Ocean?

A Growing Problem

Over the centuries, fishermen have used a wide variety of gear to catch fish and other marine animals. This includes nets, traps, lines, and hooks. While this equipment has been essential for generations, the sheer amount of it that is now in the ocean is becoming a major issue. The amount of fishing gear that is abandoned, lost, or discarded in the ocean is increasing every year. This is having a massive impact on the environment. Not only is it damaging coral reefs and other habitats, but it is also killing and injuring marine life.

Abandoned Gear

A lot of the fishing gear that is in the ocean is abandoned. This occurs when fishermen are unable to retrieve their gear due to bad weather or other issues. It can also happen when fishermen are fishing illegally. In addition, some fishing vessels simply abandon their gear when they have finished fishing in an area. This is illegal, but it is still happening. As a result, there is a growing amount of abandoned gear in the ocean.

Lost and Discarded Gear

Another type of fishing gear that is in the ocean is gear that has been lost or discarded. This occurs when fishermen lose their gear due to strong currents or other factors. It can also happen when fishermen are careless or simply discard their gear after use. This is a major problem as it adds to the amount of fishing gear in the ocean.

Impact on Marine Life

The amount of fishing gear in the ocean is having a huge impact on marine life. This is because the gear is often left in the water and left to drift. As a result, it can entangle and injure marine life. This can include whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and many other species. In addition, the gear can damage coral reefs and other habitats.


Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of fishing gear in the ocean. One solution is to encourage fishermen to use more biodegradable gear. This type of gear can degrade over time, reducing the amount of gear that is left in the ocean. In addition, governments and organizations can set up programs to collect abandoned and discarded gear. This can help to reduce the amount of gear that is in the ocean.


The amount of fishing gear in the ocean is a growing problem. This is due to the amount of gear that is abandoned, lost, or discarded. The gear is having a huge impact on the environment, as it is damaging coral reefs and harming marine life. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of gear in the ocean. This includes using more biodegradable gear and collecting abandoned and discarded gear.

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