What Percent Of Ocean Pollution Is Fishing Gear

What Percent Of Ocean Pollution Is Fishing Gear

What Percent Of Ocean Pollution Is Fishing Gear?

Fishing Gear and Ocean Pollution

Fishing gear and ocean pollution are a growing concern for both fishermen and environmentalists alike. Fishing gear is responsible for a large amount of ocean pollution, with old nets and other discarded materials making up a large portion of the problem. It is estimated that over 640,000 tons of fishing gear ends up in the ocean each year. This is more than double the amount of plastic pollution that ends up in the ocean.

How Fishing Gear Affects Marine Life

Fishing gear is hazardous to marine life in many ways. Discarded gear can entangle marine animals, which can lead to their death. Marine animals may also become trapped in discarded gear, where they can slowly suffocate or starve before having the chance to escape. It is estimated that up to 30% of deaths of endangered species are caused by discarded fishing gear. Even when properly disposed of, fishing gear can cause significant damage to marine habitats, as it can break down and release toxins into the ocean.

The Impact of Fishing Gear on the Environment

The impact of fishing gear on the environment is significant. Lost or discarded fishing gear can pollute the oceans for years to come, with some nets estimated to remain in the ocean for up to 600 years. In addition to the physical damage caused by fishing gear, chemicals used to make fishing gear can also leak into the environment and cause harm. These chemicals can be toxic to both humans and wildlife, and can even affect the food we eat.

What Percent Of Ocean Pollution Is Fishing Gear?

It is estimated that fishing gear is responsible for up to 46% of all ocean pollution. This makes it the leading cause of ocean pollution, ahead of plastic and chemical pollution. Fishing gear is especially problematic in certain parts of the world, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, where it is estimated that up to 70% of all ocean pollution is due to fishing gear.

What Can Be Done to Reduce Fishing Gear Pollution?

The most effective way to reduce fishing gear pollution is to ensure that all fishing gear is properly disposed of. This means ensuring that all fishing gear is collected and disposed of in designated areas. Regulations should also be implemented to reduce the amount of fishing gear that is discarded in the ocean. Additionally, fishermen can take steps to reduce their impact on the environment by using biodegradable gear, such as nets made from natural materials.


Fishing gear is a major source of ocean pollution, with up to 46% of all ocean pollution being attributed to it. To reduce the amount of ocean pollution caused by fishing gear, it is important to ensure that all fishing gear is properly disposed of, and that regulations are in place to reduce the amount of gear that is discarded in the ocean. Taking steps to reduce the amount of fishing gear pollution can help to protect the environment and marine life for years to come.

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